Why us


We offer Preclinical Services Customized to your Needs. Our extended portfolio of unique mouse disease models, together with our long-lasting expertise in preclinical testing, our standardized procedures as well as the customer oriented scientific consultation and services we provide, constitute our unmatched competitive advantage.

Our resources include a team of highly educated and experienced scientists and technicians that operate in our SPF research animal facility and state-of-the-art laboratory. Our lead in the field of Preclinical Testing is also supported by our highly active Research & Development program that aims at the development and characterization of novel humanized animal disease models. Our preclinical services combine high-end research with cutting edge technologies.

Our experience and qualified staff is fully committed and dedicated. Speed, flexibility, customer centricity, affordability and high quality services are our guidance.

Meet our team


We started with a dream. We wanted to open a wide door to the future in medical research. Experimental medicine has a fundamental role to play in understanding the phenomena that are the cause of human disease, while maintaining a careful focus on identifying similarities and differences between human and animal species. With its facilities, CEMEX provides this research framework and its fundamental goal is perfectly achievable: the development, validation and use of animal models to study the etiology, pathology and treatment of human disease.

We believe that innovative ideas are accelerating the research and make dreams possible for the advancement of human health.

Our research passion is focused on pain and inflammation, cardiovascular and metabolism, cancer, neurodegenerative disorders, regenerative medicine and tissue engineering and nanotechnologies.


Our 2,000 sqm of state-of-the-art infrastructure is uniquely equiped to tackle the most challenging fundamental and preclinical R&D projects, while our management, quality control and ethical procedures are compliant to the high EU standards for animal research and ISO 9001.

The laboratory infrastructure includes:


CEMEX was awarded the famous “Oscar” Prize for innovation in Romanian medicine: Gala Elitelor Medicale 

Zeci de premii de excelenţă, acordate la ediţia a IV-a a Galei Elitelor Medicale de la Târgu Mureş – Read the full article